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How The Hot Weather Can Take A Toll On Long-Haul Drivers


The humid summer heat can take a toll on long-haul truck drivers.

Summer is in full swing, and the hot and humid weather is taking a toll on just about everyone working outside. Long-haul truck drivers are no different, and hot weather can make days and nights on the road pretty miserable. How can hot weather take a toll on long-haul drivers?

Hot Nights On The Road

One of the most difficult parts of long-haul trucking any day of the year is sleeping in your cab. During the warm summer months, running your engine all night isn’t a possibility, so many long-haul truck drivers are stuck sweating the night away. This sleeping situation is never ideal, as the sleep quality is lower and truckers feel less rested. Invest in a battery-powered fan or two to keep your cab cool on long-hauls and rest easy. If possible, check into a motel or hotel for the night so that you can get a good night’s sleep.

Keep Your Truck In Good Shape

One of the other most important parts of being a long-haul trucker during hot weather is keeping your truck in good condition. If you don’t take the time to prepare your truck for the warm weather, you could end up stuck or stranded in the heat. Before you leave for your long-haul driving trip, check the following on your truck:

  • Your cooling system, including antifreeze levels, radiator mounts, fan shrouds, and the fan clutch. Complete any basic maintenance tasks for your cooling system.
  • Your air conditioning system, including any leaks in the system or the state of the charge. If there is any noise emitting from your blower motor, it might be time to swap it out. Look for any problems with the hose, fittings, and belt. Your condenser should also be completely clean and the filters should not be plugged.
  • Tires should be inflated to the right amount, without being overinflated or underinflated. Heat makes the rubber in your truck’s tires break down more quickly, so always check tread depth before leaving.
  • Check the battery of your long-haul truck since heat can actually corrode the current-conducting grids on the battery.
  • The electrical system, keeping a special eye on the alternator and any frayed or damaged wiring.

Middleton & Meads Co. For Your Trucking Needs

Middleton & Meads. provides quality truck and bus repair, service, and fleet management for the Baltimore, MD area. We have over 90 years of experience in the trucking industry and will provide you with customer service like you have never experienced before! If you are interested in seeing how we can help your business, give us a call at (410) 752-5588 or visit us online today! For more articles and trucking tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and LinkedIn.


