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The Challenges of Long-Haul Trucking (and How to Overcome Them)

Middleton & Meads Challenges of Long-Haul Trucking

There are plenty of challenges when it comes to long-haul trucking, but many of them can be overcome with some mindful habits.

There’s something special about long-haul trucking. This is an incredibly important service that is provided by trucking companies and the drivers that bring goods from one side of the country to the other. Without long-haul trucking, the distribution of regional goods isn’t possible. Unfortunately, long-haul trucking comes with some unique challenges that need to be overcome in order to maintain driver safety and keep every job running smoothly.

Human Fatigue

When you’re on the road for days at a time, it can wear on you both physically and mentally. This level and type of fatigue goes beyond standard exhaustion—it can easily develop into more serious issues, such as depression and mental exhaustion. If this fatigue goes unchecked, it can lead to a truck driver struggling to get up in the morning, struggling to maintain their focus on the road, and struggling to maintain their emotional stability. These compounding issues quickly begin to threaten the health and safety of the driver, and even the other drivers on the road.

Drivers can combat long-haul fatigue by:

  • Keeping a solid routine
  • Exercising (especially in the morning)
  • Getting plenty of restful sleep
  • Subbing out fast food for healthier meals and snacks
  • Maintaining social contact with loved ones
  • Committing to break times throughout the drive
  • Picking up a road-friendly hobby

Vehicle Fatigue

Drivers aren’t the only ones who get tired during a long-haul route—the truck can experience a lot of wear and tear, too. Most vehicles aren’t well-adapted for long routes that can last hours a day for several days in a row.

You need your truck to be in tip-top shape when you’re on a job, so remember to do your morning maintenance checks every time. Go over every inch of your truck, looking for any warning signs of potential problems. If you spot something, find a trusted repair shop nearby and bring your truck in for maintenance. It will cost you a little bit of time, but a breakdown will be even worse.

Route Management

Regional truckers have an easy time with route management because they tend to stick to recognizable local areas and drive the same routes regularly. For long-haul truckers, every job is different. This is part of the charm of long-haul trucking, but it can mean problems if you’re not prepared.

Before heading out on any long-haul job, always take the time to go over your route and look for things like construction zones, cities, and long stretches of highway without amenities. Aside from hazards and slowdowns, this is also a good opportunity to time your route and plan for various stops such as meal breaks, rest areas, and even places to stop for fun where you can enjoy a “brain break.”


Need to repair your truck or bus? Contact Middleton & Meads today! Middleton & Meads provides quality truck and bus repair, service, and fleet management for the Baltimore, MD area. We have over 90 years of experience in the trucking industry and will provide you with customer service like you have never experienced before! If you are interested in seeing how we can help your business, give us a call at (410) 752-5588 or visit us online today! For more articles and trucking tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and LinkedIn.

